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Mobile Management (MIS)

Mobile Lock Management system – MIS(Mobile lock Installation Setup)

MIS(Mobile lock Installation Setup) app allows users to set up locks without using computer-based software.
Simply open the app and set up your locks using BLE functions and enjoy this wonderful piece of technology.
You won’t need your computer, your own RFID card, and the card reader. Because now, MIS got you.

24/7 Lock info/Audit trail checking

You can now check your locks 24/7 without any programs. How many times the lock has been used, how many times it was opened/closed and so much more.

Battery check

Have you wondered how much battery the lock has at the moment?
Wondered when to change the batteries or even worried about what if it turns off?
No worries now, you can check your lock’s battery status using the app as well.
The status will be shown as a picture of battery intuitively. You can also check specific figure by clicking I button(More information)

Lock setup anytime

You can set up your locker locks using your own mobile phone. No need to boot your computer to connect to APs and the internet. Just simply turn on your locker lock and set it up as much as you like with our mobile phone app.

No need of real Mastercard

You don’t need an actual Mastercard to open locks or remove users from the locks. Connect the locks with the app and use it as a Mastercard.
It is that simple.

F/W download is much easier now

Don’t you get sick and tired of firmware download whenever there is a new firmware for locks?
Always have to get a FW download card and read locks in order to download firmware?
Now, you don’t need to do that. Using BLE, you can download FW fast and easy.

1-2 System Components & Software products

Mobile Management (MIS)

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    Synchronize your smartphone with RFID cards